混音是整个音乐制作最后阶段,也是非常重要的步骤。编曲人常说,好的混音会有化腐朽为神奇的作用! FL Studio为广大用户提供了非常高效的混音系列工具,包括各种插件等等,这些都可以在试用版中体验到! 本套课程的第六节,也是混音课程的最后一节:Reverbs混响器 ...
■ 混响(Reverb)如果你用过Fruity Reverb 2插件,这个就很眼熟了。上面的控制是一模一样的,不过少了几个(bass和cross),并且加入了混响的“色调(color)”,可以从Warmer(暖),到Flat(平),再到Brighter(亮色)。要启动混响效果,点击“Enable”按钮即可。因为它的功能和Fruity Reverb几乎完全一样,所以留给大家实验,...
右键某个旋钮还可以在下拉栏中选择旋钮的类型,来完成一些音频工作中常用的操作,例如低切(Low Cut)、高切(High Cut)等。 2、强大的混响插件Fruity Reverb 2 这是FL Studio自带的混响插件,混响器主要用于塑造声音的空间感,不了解混响插件工作原理的同学可以去FL Studio中文网站看一些关于混响器的介绍,这里不再过多赘...
Want to know how to use FL Studio? Check out this guide that has everything you need to know to start making music in FL Studio.
Image-Line Software FL Studio Groove FL Studio Groove is a multi-channel drum sampler, multi-timbral hybrid synthesizer and sequencer in the 'Groove Box' style, inspired by hardware of this genre. Special attention has been paid to live performance and multi-touch operation. FL Studio Groove ...
Fruity Reverb 2是一个混响效果器,是用来模拟声音在一定空间中的反射效果。混响适用于单个的乐器轨,最好不要加在总轨或者租轨上。 图片来自FL Studio中文官网 打开界面,看到第一栏上面有两个选项可以调节,可以对混响模式进行调节。在MID模式下课以处理带单声道音频,而SIDE是处理立体声音频,SIDE模式处理的是左右声场...
I use to hate on FL studio but this controller is fresh! A whole lot of controls to keep my hands off the mouse and in the groove. 05/27/2019 Helpful Report 1 person found this helpful Purchased on Reverb Friendly and fast Patrick T. great device but the communication with the seller...
FL Studio20中有许多自带合成器是很好用的,同时也是其他插件的基础,接下来为大家介绍一下Fruity Reverb 2插件的一些功能和参数。 Fruity Reverb 2是一个混响效果器,是用来模拟声音在一定空间中的反射效果。混响适用于单个的乐器轨,最好不要加在总轨或者租轨上。
Fruity Loops music software, aka FL Studio, offers a broad range of time stretching effects in its slice editor. Simply stretching a bass sample using various algorithms can turn your subs into lethal weapons. All it takes is wise manipulation of simple parameters....
FL STUDIO MIXING| We asked you what tutorial to make next.You said Mixing! This time howreverberationorreverbis usedcreate a sense of space and dimensionality in your track. In this tutorial we show you where to use reverb and some of the different reverb effects available in FL Studio. Vi...