实时修音插件有Auto Tune Pro,Waves Tune这两个,Melodyne和New tone是不具备实时修音功能的。下文我们主要以Auto Tune插件来讲述如何使用FL Studio实时修音。 二、FL Studio如何实时修音 1、轨道分配 实时修音的第一步,我们需要在播放列表选择一个轨道作为录音轨,并且给它分配一个确定的混音台通道。具体操作如下图所...
复制:按住ctrl加鼠标左键框选音符 框选完后同时松开ctrl和鼠标左键 A方法:按住ctrl+B直接复制在其后面 B方法:按住shift用鼠标左键拖框选中的任意红色音符 13;30 调整任意音符力度: (同列同排)按住ctrl加鼠标左键框选音符 再在下面调整 (任意)按住ctrl加鼠标左键框选音符 同时按住ctrl和shift用鼠标左键框选 ...
FL Studio 20.9.1 新功能介绍: 原YouTube 视频链接: https://youtu.be/KCBGUqKUUdU FL studio 20.7.2 中的变化 FL Studio 控件提示 —— 当鼠标悬停在多数 FL Studio 控件上时会限时其值。 通道机组 —— 用户现在可以通过通过取消“Auto switch channel group(自动切换通道组)”来锁定 Channel Group(通道...
Key new features Mac version– FL Studio is now available for macOS 10.11 and higher. It's a native 64 Bit application Including support for Mac VST and AU plugins. Projects made on Mac and Windows are interchangeable. Project interoperability extends to 3rdparty plugins installed on both platfo...
FL STUDIO 20.7.1 | Is a maintenance update with improvements to Newtime, the Video Visualizer, Macros, MIDI Scripting and more (see below). All because we love your Lifetime Free Updates. Key Features Newtime and Newtone - Added Tempo display and Tempo sync button to Toolbar. Added '...
1、FL Studio Fruity Granulizer 插件说明 摘要: FruityGranulizer是一个利用了粒子合成技术的发生器插件。Granulizer是以用户载入的采样作为原料。粒子合成分割波形采样为许多小的片段(颗粒),然后根据发生器的设置进行回放。改变颗粒的长度和间距可生成不同的 .Fruity Granulizer 是一个利用了粒子合成技术的发生器插件。
One of the key features of FL Studio is its versatile step sequencer that allows users to create patterns and sequences for beats, melodies, and chords. The step sequencer provides a visual interface for programming rhythmic and melodic patterns, making it easy for users to build complex musical...
双极-ENV、LFO、KEY和VEL包络相加值。 单极-ENV、LFO、KEY和VEL包络相乘值。 包络编辑器 4 包络编辑器与FLStudio中的其它插件所使用的编辑器相同,例如Sytrus和FPC。 启用/禁用开关 要使用包络/映射,你需要在编辑器的左下角打开指示器来启用(请看上面的截图)。
Parameters 1.Move the target parameter (or activate the switch) on FL Studio Groove. 2.Tap the LINK button to start the process. 3.Move the knob/slider/wheel/button/key/pad etc, on your controller you want to link to the target. 4.Repeat for any parameters you want to access. Useful...
Keep in mind that FL Studio works best for electronic music applications and may not be perfect in a live setting or for live recordings. Size and Number of Keys MIDI controller keyboards range in size from just a few keys to a full 88-key keyboard. The size you choose may depend on ...