FL Statutes 633 - Fire Prevention Brevard County Links Brevard County Sheriff's Office Brevard Animal Control Ordinance Brevard Arts Brevard County Libraries Brevard County Parks Brevard Property Appraiser Brevard County Public Schools Brevard County Tax Collector Brevard County Surf Conditions Additional Info...
We take great pride in our number one asset, our team. Together we bring knowledge of state statutes and take a common-sense management approach to help our boards manage their community associations. We make every effort to promote advancement opportunities within the company, and try our best ...
Tips for a Successful Mediation, Jacksonville Daily Record, August 3, 2023 Commercial Lending: Practical Considerations and Loan Enforcement, Foreclosure, and Asset Recovery, July 2023 The Ties That Bind — Like it or Not: A Primer on Homeowners’ Associations in Florida, April 2023 ...
When a condominium or homeowners’ association comes into existence, it assumes responsibility for certain physical assets described in the governing documents. “You can’t change those in most cases without a vote of the owners,” Donnelly says. “It’s very difficult to add or subtract ameniti...
Wind mitigation discounts became effective in 2003, according to Florida Statutes, insurance companies are required to offer Florida homeowners "discounts or credits" for implementing construction techniques that reduce damage or loss in windstorms.