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README GPL-3.0 license Emacs Enhanced Introduction A conversion of major Emacs packages / functions, especially ones that I rely on to single defuns to try avoid the dependence of external packages. It is also a general comment on how I have moved to more a vanilla based Emacs setup and ...
Lease Offer: Includes down payment, no security deposit required; excludes tax, title, license and dealer fees. For well-qualified customers. Excludes residents of CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OR, PA, RI, VA, VT, WA, WV. Offer excludes accessories and premiu...
psys_mat_hair_to_global(sim.ob, sim.psmd->dm, sim.psys->part->from, pa, hairmat); copy_m3_m4(mat, hairmat);/* to quaternion */mat3_to_quat(frame, mat);/* note: direction is same as normal vector currently, * but best to keep this separate so the frame can be * rotate...
k8s+kubesphere+devops 一、k8s 集群部署 1、k8s 快速入门 1)、简介 Kubernetes 简称 k8s。是用于自动部署,扩展和管理容器化应用程序的开源系统。 中文官网: 中文社区:https://www.kuberne
README MIT licenseEdgeFL Framework The EdgeFL Framework simplifies the integration of decentralized federated learning into your machine learning applications. This framework allows peers to communicate, aggregate models, and participate in decentralized federated learning scenarios. The EdgeFL Python Framework...
README MIT license nvidia-update (ZenitH-AT/BearGrylls fork) Checks for a new version of the NVIDIA Driver, downloads and installs it. Windows 10+ only. Usage Download the latest release or pull nvidia-update.ps1 and optional-components.cfg (optional; allows the user to specify what optiona...
Pull requests Actions Security Insights Additional navigation options main 1Branch 3Tags Code README MIT license Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for End-to-End Text Recognition - TensorFlow 2 This is a re-implementation of the CRNN network, build by TensorFlow 2. This repository may help you...
This table is input for the RampId Lookup process. ColumnData TypeDescriptionExampleIs Primary Key? id STRING Unique Id of this record. "123" Yes segment_name STRING Name of audience/CRM/Customer segment. "High Value" No source_system_name STRING Source system where the record came from. "...
Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options master 1Branch 6Tags Code This branch is1227 commits behinddream-num/Luckysheet:master. README MIT license Luckysheet English|简体中文 Introduction Luckysheet is an online spreadsheet like excel that is powerful, simple to...