【Billboard】FKA twigs首专LP1内部详情 只看楼主 收藏 回复blind尘夏 恭喜B吧 13 分别是黑胶和美普 来自FKA吧! blind尘夏 恭喜B吧 13 blind尘夏 恭喜B吧 13 @wootungk 克劳恩皮丝 恭喜B吧 13 谁吃饱没事干买这种精污,也就只有歌能听吧 王雪琴 首页天后 15 花钱买精神污染 一步一...
Much has been said about the musical direction Twigs takes withLP1, which melds dour electronic music with a suave blend of R&B in the same vein as other contemporaries such as How To Dress Well, Holy Other, and Purity Ring. And the album does break through in a variety of ways, espec...
FKA twigs出道大碟『LP1』入选Pitchfork2010年发行至今最佳200大专辑前一百位(第28位)。Pitchfork评价:“FKA已经完全是一位艺术家” û收藏 10 14 ñ164 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...
【转微博】英伦另类芭比FKA twigs最新专辑《LP1》内页 只看楼主 收藏 回复 打酱油瑞儿 LightsOn 5 数张挺诡异的 heyvvvv Preface 1 专辑实在听不下去 星陨海 Closer 12 夏天流泪不痛 Kicks 4 实在是不敢买 爱RobForever Preface 1 来瞄瞄~有什么其他的信息吗表示今天中午把她的MV全部看完了.....
FKA twigs – LP1 26岁的Tahliah Debrett Barnett是一个奇怪的姑娘,从她的艺名来源可以看出:戴了一条...
FKA twigs – LP1 26岁的Tahliah Debrett Barnett是一个奇怪的姑娘,从她的艺名来源可以看出:戴了一条"twigs"字样的项链,于是每次自我介绍时都指着胸前的项链而不多费口舌,又有了"Formerly Known As"的自觉,就成了现在的"FKA twigs"(以下简称twigs)。twigs从很小就开始在如Jessie J等艺人的MV中伴舞,并有一定...
FKA twigs' first full-length is a monumental debut. On a formal level, it takes the kinds of risks that few pop artists, and few "experimental" artists, for that matter, are willing to take these days. As far as the making of the artist known as FKA twig
Review: FKA twigs, Sex is not, in the strictest sense, sexy. It’s that too, but it’s primarily other things. Sex is the moment mere “sexy” expands into something else entirely. For the lucky ones, it’s an incredibly and simply rewarding experience. For others, it’s a far ...
专辑名:LP1 歌手:FKA twigs 发行时间:2014-08-11 简介:英国独立女声FKA Twigs的处女专辑《LP1》将于8月11日在贝阁-Young Turks下发行。拥有牙买加与西班牙血统的她曾是2012年《i-D》杂志的封面女郎,“twigs”别名的来源则有些无厘头——源自她能让关节发出响声。此前,她已发行过两张EP,分别名为《EP》和《EP...