fjmt is dedicated to design excellence and the enhancement of the public domain. Our work focuses on the spatial and organic interconnection of built form and site to embody shared community values and aspirations.
Tower of Wood: The EY Centre / fjmt Cultural Architecture · Moe, Australia Frank Bartlett Memorial Library and Moe Service Centre / fjmt Mixed Use Architecture · Barangaroo, Australia Anadara / fjmt Refurbishment · Sydney, Australia 580 George Street Lobby Upgrade / fjmt Industrial Architecture ...
Copyright © 2017-2024 煤炭协会( 福建省煤炭工业协会 版权所有 地址:福建省福州市鼓楼区鼓楼区省府路1号金皇大厦10楼西南角 电话:0591-87873392 传真:0591-87806470 闽ICP备17019884号-1 闽公网安备 35010202000716号 技术支持:海峡四度 ...
Architects: fjmt Area: 43935 m² Year: 2016 Photographs:Brett Boardman, Demas Rusli, Mark Merton, Gareth Hayman, Sandor Duzs, John Gollings, Rodrigo Vargas Manufacturers: Parklex Prodema, Alucobond, Austral Bricks, Balzac Classiqu, Hunter Douglas, Network Architectural, Tappeti Mechanical Consultan...
一家澳大利亚建筑事务所最近赢得为牛津大学“科学区”设计一个新的实验室和教学综合设施的许可证。 在这场国际竞争中,总部设在在悉尼的FJMT建筑事务所击败了包括Make建筑事务所、RMJM建筑事务所和Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands建筑事务所在内的英国建筑单位。
PCYC Northern Beaches | FJMTDesigned by FJMT, Located on the edge of the Dee Why town center, the new PCYC Community Centre provides an entertainment hub for the peninsula’s youngest residents. It is conceived as a cloud-like a form settling on a pedestal that emerges from the ground. ...
Bunjil Place | fjmtBunjil Place is a library, a performance theatre, a public gathering space, a place of exhibition, gallery and display, a flexible and experimental space for events, lectures, debate, and celebration, it is a help point, a service center and a place of work and ...
FJMT澳大利亚悉尼廉租公寓住宅 建筑师:FJMT 地点:悉尼,澳大利亚 项目面积:16506平方米 项目年份:2010 摄影:John Gollings,安德鲁·陈 [Page: ] [Page: ] [Page: ] [Page: ] [Page: ] [Page: ] [Page: ] [Page: ] [Page: ] [Page: ]
岛国网友fjmt养着一只超级帅气的柴柴,到底有多帅呢…明明就是狗中吴彦祖啊!小的时候也是相当可爱!但是它最讨厌被关进笼子里,每当它被关进狗笼里,它都会用尽一切方法自毁形象也要逃出来... 汪:自由都没有了...