As for the cheating party, they need to own up to their mistake. Admit what they did and if the relationship can be saved, meet your partner with 100% to save any part of what you have built. No one is perfect and we are human and make mistakes. You may have months or years with...
Explicit run NUnit Adapter Test execution complete No test matches the given testcase filter `Category=TestappE2EWarmup` in D:\a\1\s\Testapp\bin\Debug\
Hello Yandere Dev I found a bug in the game that after I eliminated Sumiko Tachibana with her own elimination(by lethal poison) maybe in day 1 or 2 in the 4th week ever since then every time I go to school all the students are spawning next to the fountain in a line and there are...
relationship. This is because narcissists see any form of compromise or negotiation as them losing. “To the victor goes the spoils” as the saying goes, and a narcissist won’t tolerate not getting their own way on their own terms: thus a total end of communication seems desirable to ...
I am building a TfidfVectorizer as part of my model, and I realize the processing I need might have to be entered after this stage but I am not sure how to do this. My eventual aim is to do topic modelling on a piece of text. Here is the piece of code (borrowed almost directly...