fixed effect meta-analysis假定所有研究都估计固定的treatment effect,然而random effects meta-analysis允许不同研究中的treatment effect 差异。 fixed effect和random effects meta-analyses的区别:如下图,95%置信区间的Forest plots,fixed effect meta-analysis提供了对common treatment effect的最好估计,fixed effect假定...
Meta AnalysisResearch MethodologyEvaluation ResearchEvaluation MethodsMeta-analysis is the statistical analysis of a collection of analysis results from individual studies, conducted for the purpose of integrating the findings. Structural equation modeling (SEM), on the other hand, is a multivariate ...
metarandomfixedmodelseffects效应 Campbel lCol laborationCol loquium–August2011 campbel lcol laborationorgixed and Random Effects Models in Meta-analysis How do we choose among fixed and random effects modelshen conducting a meta-analysis? Common question asked by reviewers working on systematiceviews...
Moreover, meta_fixed() and meta_random() fit standard meta-analysis models with fixed-effects and random-effects, respectively. The model-specific posteriors for the parameter d can be averaged with bma() and inclusion Bayes factors be computed with inclusion(). The function prior() facilitates...
The rank correlation test introduced by Begg and Mazumdar is extensively used in meta-analysis to test for publication bias in clinical and epidemiological studies. It is based on correlating the standardized treatment effect with the variance of the tre
This article describes updates of the meta-analysis command metan and options that have been added since the command's original publication (Bradburn, Deeks, and Altman, metan - an alternative meta-analysis command, Stata Technical Bulletin Reprints, vol. 8, pp. 86–100). These include version...
Twice- or Once-Daily Dosing of Novel Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention: A Fixed-Effects Meta-Analysis with Predefined Heterogeneity Quality Criteri... Aim The direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) have similar half-lives, but the dosing regimen varies between once daily (QD) or twice daily (...
In June 2019, Stata version 16 introduced a suite of built-in meta-analysis commands, with the prefixmeta. Forest plots are generated using a new specific Stata graph type (rather than being generated using a combination oftwowaycommands), and there is better interface with other built-in Sta...
Meta-analysis for case-control studies using the Mantel-Haenszel fixed effects method (M–H) and the DerSimonian and Laird random effects (D+L) method for response to influenza B.Isabella EckerleKerstin Daniela Ros...
Fixed-Effect Versus Random-Effects Models. Introduction to Meta-analysis. Chichester: Wiley; 2009. pp. 77–86.Borenstein M, Hedges LV, Higgines JPT, et al: Fixed-Effect Versus Random-Effects Models. Introduction to Meta-Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, 2009...