(1984). Concurrent variable-interval schedule performance: Fixed versus mixed reinforcer durations. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 41, 169-182.Davison, M., & Hogsden, I. (1984). Concurrent vari- able-interval schedule performance: Fixed versus mixed reinforcer durations. Journal...
Tested over several variable-interval and fixed-interval schedule values, the pigeons' preference for the variable-interval link varied directly with the absolute value of the arithmetic mean but independently of the signal presentation. 展开
Total Variable Cost vs. Average Variable Cost While total variable cost reveals how much you spend on each unit of your product's development, you may also need to consider items with various variable costs per unit. The average variable cost enters the picture here. For example, You have tw...
Environment Variable Value (EnvironmentVariableValue) Event Expander Breadcrumb (EventExpanderBreadcrumb) Exchange Sync Id Mapping (ExchangeSyncIdMapping) Expired Process (ExpiredProcess) Exported Excel (exportedexcel) ExportSolutionUpload External Identity (adx_externalidentity) Fabric AISkill (fabricaisk...
This result does not seem consistent with previous results showing preference for variable- over fixed-interval schedules. However, the results are consistent if preference is determined by differential weighting of reward values, and preference is independent of whether a reward is fixed or variable....
When animals or people learn with a fixed schedule, they learn that reinforcement comes after a certain number of repetitions or in a certain time interval. If the reinforcement is not forthcoming, extinction begins to take place. When animals or people learn with a variable schedule, they also...
Response Form, Force, And Number: Effects On Concurrent-schedule Performance Six hens responded on concurrent variable-interval (key-peck) variable-interval (door-push) schedules of reinforcement in which the second-order (fixed-rat... CE Sumpter,W Temple,TM Foster - 《Journal of the Experimental...
()`. Failure to do this will result in PyTorch skipping the first value of the learning rate schedule. See more details at https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/optim.html#how-to-adjust-learning-rate warnings.warn("Detected call of `lr_scheduler.step()` before `optimizer.step()`. " 0it [...
AbsolutePath vs. LocalPath Accept all certificates using FTP-SSL. Accept only UpperCase Accepting special characters in login password Access ASP web controls inside Static Methods access c# local variable to aspx page Access control Exist in User Control From Parent Page Access denied to delete fil...
Examples of Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset Scenarios: Handling Criticism: Growth Mindset:Jane received feedback on her project proposal. She took the constructive criticism on board, made revisions, and improved the overall quality. Fixed Mindset:John received similar feedback but took it personally...