2434 0 30:57 App CFA金融英语-固收- Bond Yield(债券收益率) 772 1 31:38 App CFA金融英语-数量-Terminology of Probability(概率术语) 740 0 33:50 App CFA金融英语-固收- Embedded Option On Bond (内嵌期权债券) 1243 0 17:27 App CFA金融英语-公司金融-利润表-收益表2 904 0 37:23 App CFA金...
in an environment where market interest rates are rising, the rate paid by the bond falls behind. And in such a case, the bond would lose value in the secondary bond market (with bonds, when rates rise, prices fall). Also, the investor's capital is tied up in the investment, and the...
across the globe View more A wide spectrum of debt securities can be listed on SGX, including: Asset Backed Securities Collateralized Loan Obligation (CLO) Securities Contingent Convertible Capital Instruments (CoCos) Convertible / Exchangeable Bonds Covered Bonds Fixed / Floating Rate Bonds Green, Soci...
Fidelity Funds - US Dollar Bond Fund A-Acc-USD6.94 -1.10% -1.63% Franklin Floating Rate Fund plc (USD) A (Mdis)6.85 -0.87% -0.87% BlackRock Fixed Income Global Opportunities Fund (EUR) A19.69 -0.72% +0.21% BlackRock Fixed Income Global Opportunities Fund (EUR) A39.70 ...
1M Return 3M Return Templeton Global High Yield Fund 5.47 -0.18% +0.18% Franklin Floating Rate Fund plc (USD) A (Mdis) 6.84 -0.03% -0.87%Fund - Browser History Last NAV 1 Month Return 3 Month Return BlackRock Fixed Income Global Opportunities Fund (EUR) A1 NAV 9.69 +0.66% +0.31%Direct...
An investor who wants to earn a guaranteed interest rate for a specified term could purchase a fixed-rate Treasury bond, corporate bond, or municipal bond.
Fixed-income investments generally pay a fixed interest rate or dividend until maturity. Some of the language surrounding fixed-income investments can be confusing, so here are some basic terms to know: Price: the current value of your investment. Bond prices have an inverse relationship with bon...
2.2Floating-Rate Bond QM VS DM :upgrade或者downgrade时候QM和DM不同,当downgrade/discount时,P小,R大,即DM>QM。 ZDM VS DM :看MRR的变动 3 Credit Strategies 3.1 bottom-up 两者credit risk相似:买yield高的 credit spread不同:估计spread是否足够cover ...
Medallion Bank Fixed-to-Floating Rate Perp. Pfd. Series F options data by MarketWatch. View MBNKP option chain data and pricing information for given maturity periods.
Wisdom Tree Floating rate Treasury Fund Vanguard Emerging Markets Government Bond ETF Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund iShares 1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETF Vanguard Intermediate-Term Investment-Grade Fund Admiral Shares Source - https://money.usnews.com/investing/funds/articles/best-fixed-income-fun...