From application point of view, a handful of fixed point results of b-metric spaces endowed with partial ordering and graph are deduced. The ideas established herein unify and complement several well-known crisp and fuzzy fixed point theorems in the framework of both single-valued and set-valued...
With the given projections, we selected a representative set of integer subsets, λ(plus three simulated relaxation factor functions) and SNR-levels, respectively. For each combination of “< S,λ, SNR-level > ” (called grid points), (called tuples) were recorded every five iterations. Wit...
LayoutPoints LayoutTransform LeftArrowAsterisk LeftBorder LeftCarriageReturn LeftColumnOfTwoColumnsRightSplit LeftSideOnly LegacyPackage Legenda LESSStyleSheet LevelAll LevelEight LevelEleven LevelFive LevelFour LevelNine Levelone LevelSeven LevelSix LevelTen LevelThree LevelTwelve LevelTwo LibaryApplication Bib...
As a case study, the proposed method is applied to the Henon map to stabilize its first, second, and fourth-order unstable fixed points. Simulation results show the high performance of the control technique in quenching the chaos in the presence of uncertainties....
Riavvia RestoreDefaultView RestoreImage RestoreLocalServer RestoreMTR RestoreServiceDependencies RestoreServiceDependenciesWarning RestoreSnapshot RisultatiToGrid RisultatiToRuleFile ResultsToTextFile ResumePhone Rethrow Recupero Return ReturnApplicationInsights ReturnParameter ReturnValue ReturnValueCollapsed ReturnValueExpan...
The exact FPGA cost functions for Xilinx System Generator blocks are proprietary to Xilinx [23], but the end-user may create similar cost functions for ASIC designs by characterizing synthesis results. The details of ASIC area estimation are covered in the next section. Since each individual cost...
What many different known FFT approaches have in common is that they do computation in stages by dividing the digital points representing a signal into subsets (in a process known as “decimation”), computing the DFT of each subset, and then processing the results of the DFT of each subset...
This work has demonstrated the plausibility of combining GSAs with the NM simplex algorithm as a means of calibrating a steady-state biological wastewater treatment model. Simulation of the investigated system while operated at different DO set points provided suitable validation, while also identifying ...
LayoutPoints LayoutTransform LeftArrowAsterisk LeftBorder LeftCarriageReturn LeftColumnOfTwoColumnsRightSplit LeftSideOnly LegacyPackage Legend LESSStyleSheet LevelAll LevelEight LevelEleven LevelFive LevelFour LevelNine LevelOne LevelSeven LevelSix LevelTen LevelThree LevelTwelve LevelTwo LibaryApplication Library...
LayoutPoints LayoutTransform LeftArrowAsterisk LeftBorder LeftCarriageReturn LeftColumnOfTwoColumnsRightSplit LeftSideOnly LegacyPackage Legend LESSStyleSheet LevelAll LevelEight LevelEleven LevelFive LevelFour LevelNine LevelOne LevelSeven LevelSix LevelTen LevelThree LevelTwelve LevelTwo LibaryApplication Library...