owner takes a loan, an amount equal to the loan is transferred out of the Policy owner’s accumulated value in the Investment Options and/or the Fixed Options in proportion to the Accumulated Value in each Investment Option, unless the Policy owner instructs Pacific Life and Annuity otherwise....
<div p-id="p-0001">A data processing method and system administers a deferred annuity contract during the accumulation phase of a contract term. The system stores an account value and a guaranteed rat
30-daywindowannuityeachcontract aftereachGIRpaymentsyear3Year period.(0-85)1.25% 2-Year $25K-$99,999Thesurrender 1.50%charge%will $100+decreaseby1% 1.50%eachyr,until contractyr4 whensurrender chargewill=0% 3-Year $25K-$99,999 Ratenotificationsreceivedasofweek: ...