网络变动成本 网络释义 1. 变动成本 (2)固定/变动成本(FIXED OR VARIABLE COST) (3)外露/内含成本(EXPLICITOR IMPLICIT COST) (4)直接/间接成本(DIRECT O…|基于2个网页
Is Marginal Cost the Same as Variable Cost? The termmarginal costrefers to any business expense that is associated with the production of an additional unit of output or by serving an additional customer. A marginal cost is the same as an incremental cost because it increases incrementally ...
可变成本和固定成本拓展资料:1、可变成本(Variable Costs)又称变动成本,是指在总成本中随产量的变化而变动的成本项目,主要是原材料,燃料,动力等生产要素的价值;当一定期间的产量增大时,原材料,燃料,动力的消耗会按比例相应增多,所发生的成本也会按比例增大,故称为可变成本。可变成本等于总成本减...
这四个概念分为两组,fixed cost和variable cost,两者加和可以构成总成本,direct和indirect cost加和也是总成本。两组概念是用两种不同思路区分了总成本的构成。fixed cost:除了场地租用这种明显的固定成本,还有一些容易混淆的,比如工资,虽然可变,但因按照固定的rates来做,因此一般认为是固定成本。确...
很明显,都是var cost 不过我们习惯叫var cost叫可变动的成本或者费用 那3个项目都不是固定资产所产生的费用,而且那些都不能直接有预计的
Fixed Cost vs. Variable Cost All businesses have expenses, and those expenses can be broken down into one of two types, fixed or variable. Fixed expenses are those that do not change with business output, such as rents, property taxes and insurance. Variable expenses do change with business...
Variable costs are a little more complicated to track using accounting. Since they’re tied to the production of units or the volume of sales, you’ll first need to calculate the variable cost per unit, which refers to the costs (usually for direct labor and materials) associated with produc...
indirect cost的关键是不能明确地从某一项生产活动或某一种企业职能中计算出结果,英文里讲就是not directly accountable to a particular function or product。比如管理费用,税费等等。 关不补充问题: fixed cost肯定都是indirect cost,因为它们无法指向某一次特定的生产活动。 而variable cost就不一定了...
网络固定成本和可变成本 网络释义 1. 固定成本和可变成本 ...external market factors),固定成本和可变成本(fixed and variable costs),机会成本(opportunity cost), 资产负债表(the balance...|基于7个网页
has its own dataoffixed or variablelength. 应用软件识别子(AI)为2位到4位的数值代码,在各数据项目里,这个数据的长度由固定长或可变长决定着。 [...] competency development and client feedback), and wherefixed or variablesalary increases will apply de...