根据对能力发展的认知,有两种不同的思维模式:固定型思维(fixedmindset) 和成长型思维 (growth mindset) 。固定型思维的人规避挑战、痛恨变化,甚至觉得自己没能力改变现状。成长型思维的人愿意迎接挑战,因为这是向上的阶梯;把每次失败都当成...
Dweck将这种想法,即认为你的能力是一成不变的,而整个世界就是由一个个为了考察你能力所在的测试组成的想法,称为“固定型思维模式”(“fixed mindset”)。 而那些成功孩子的观念恰恰相反,他们会认为:所有的事情都离不开个人努力,而这个世界上也充满了那些帮助你去学习,去成长的有趣的挑战。Dweck将其称为“成长型...
The fixed mindset believes trouble is devastating.If you believe, “You’re either naturally great or will never be great,” then when you have any trouble, your mind thinks, “See? You’ll never be great at this. Give up now.” ...
In order to be on top of our game both personally and organizationally, we need to develop a growth mindset. A fixed mindset supposes that you have native abilities and are naturally clever or skilled in certain areas of life. When you receive infonnation about how you have performed in ...
下面是有关 Fixed mindset(固定型思维)和 growth mindset(成长型思维)的海报,请根据海报内容,从 A -D中选出合适的内容填入第31-34相应的空格中,并完成第35小题。INDEST4Growth Mindset Statements What can I say to myself?INSTEAD OF:TRY THINKING:I'm not good at this.What am I missing?I'll use...
Fixed or growth mindset(思维模式)—which do you have? We live in an uncertain world with all the technological advances we are experiencing, which means that there is a requirement for a change in mindset. In order to be on top of our game both personally and organizationally, we need to...
Growth mindset or fixed mindset—can the way we think about ourselves and our abilities shape our lives? Absolutely. The way we think about our intellect and talents not only affects the way we feel, it can also affect what we achieve, whether we stick to new habits, or if we will go...