doi:10.1007/s11784-007-0033-6Thomas BartschZhi-Qiang WangJuncheng WeiSP Birkhäuser Verlag Baseljournal of fixed point theory & applicationsBartsch, T., ... T Bartsch,ZQ Wang,J Wei - 《Journal of Fixed Point Theory & Applications》
Fixed point theoryEssential mapsNew fixed point results and Leray-Schauder alternatives are presented for countably P -concentrative multimaps. The notion of an essential map is also introduced for a wide class of maps.doi:10.1080/0003681021000004294...
[24]. However, the analog implementation, which is crucial for DC-DC converter applications, of this method may be practically challenging. An u-model enhanced double sliding mode controller based on multiple-input and multiple-output extended-state-observer design method is proposed to control a ...
low glitch, fast settling applications. This application note details the basic theory behind current output multiplying DACs, and why these DACs are suitable for waveform generation from a fixed dc input reference.
12 V to 5 V Converters LCD Bias Generators Peripherals and Add-On Cards Battery Backup Supplies Cellular Telephones Portable Instruments GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADP1108 is a highly versatile micropower switch-mode dc-dc converter that operates from an input voltage supply as low as 2.0 V and typi...
Fast and accurate monitoring of the phase, amplitude, and frequency of the grid voltage is essential for single-phase grid-connected converters. The presence of DC offset in the grid voltage is detrimental to not only grid synchronization but also the cl
In this work, we study the cooperative transmission for VANETs using coalitional game theory. Each vehicle has a desire to access Internet via gateways that can be either fixed or mobiles. The gateways can enhance the vehicles' transmissions by cooperatively relaying the vehicles' data. Moreover,...
Stability of 3D Cubic Fixed Point in Two-Coupling-Constant #tex2html_wrap_inline1307#-Theory For an anisotropic euclidean $\\phi^4$-theory with two interactions $[u (\\sum_{i=1^M {\\phi}_i^2)^2+v \\sum_{i=1}^M \\phi_i^4]$ the $\\beta$-functions are......
NEW 240W/48V Industrial DIN Rail Power Supply Power Input AC90-264VEPW30-48A network power supply high frequency charging rectifier moduleTBOR48C/50A power supply rectifier module monitoring & control unitHD4820-2 network power supply high frequency charging rectifier moduledc dc convertercar radio ...
This is done by an op amp feedforward circuit that monitors the DC voltage at the input of the LDO and adjusts the feedback pin of the LDO to keep a fixed Vin-Vo across the regulator. The system is modular. More DC-DC converter sections that are identical to the ones demonstrated ...