当页面中带有position:fixed的header时,通过id进行定位时,一般会有偏差。一般常见于文档页面,复现如下: 点击右侧的目录,快速定位至title2,结果被header遮住(为方便观察,header设置opacity:0.95)。 期望实现 期望能实现准确定位。 demo代码: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <...
最终效果: 1.header固定;2.main不会滚动到header区域内(滚动条不会到header)。这样就不用处理main和header视图层级关系。 回复2017-12-29 查看全部 4 个回答 推荐问题 如何自定义设置虚线边框的样式? 背景: {代码...} 如上图所示:虽然可以设置虚线边框,但是虚线边框的样式往往需要修改:比如:单个实线间的间距...
这位网友你好,属性position:fixed;是相对body元素设置的,如果你是想让导航栏固定在顶部的话可以用这个属性。导航栏的宽度设置为100%。具体设置方法如下:.header{ position:fixed; left0; top:0; width:100%;}
Prior to version 1.1, jQuery Mobile used dynamically re-positioned toolbars for the fixed header effect because very few mobile browsers supported the position:fixed CSS property, and simulating fixed support through the use of "fake" JavaScript overflow-scrolling behavior would have reduced our brow...
I called this“headbutting the browser window”nearly 10 years ago, and went over some possible solutions. Nicolas Gallagerdocumented five different techniques. I’m even using a fixed position header here in v17 of CSS-Tricks, and I don’t particularly love any of those techniques. I sort ...
$Resource.DataTables + '/DataTables-1.10.22/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css', $Resource.DataTables + '/FixedHeader-3.1.7/css/fixedHeader.dataTables.min.css', $Resource.DataTables + '/FixedColumns-3.3.1/css/fixedColumns.dataTables.min.css' ...
The CSS: #headerWrap { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 70px; } #headerWrap div { background-color: #f00; color: #fff; margin: 0 auto; width: 480px; padding: 10px; height: 50px; line-height: 50px; ...
这里的注意点header和footer默认就是和布局同宽的,但是footer在漂浮元素的后面会尽量往上移动,所以需要clear: left一下 <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metacharset="utf-8"/><title>Stylin' with CSS - Figure 5.4 Creating Columns</title><linkhref='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Droid+Sans:400...
parentDiv.appendChild(dummyHeader); if (options.Width > 0) { gridWidth = options.Width; } var scrollableDiv = document.createElement( "div" ); if (parseInt(gridHeight) > options.ScrollHeight) { gridWidth = parseInt(gridWidth) + 17; } scrollableDiv.style.cssText = "overflow:...
Fixed positioning This is a typical page that has two buttons in the header bar that open panels. The left panel has the reveal display mode. The right panel opens as overlay. For both panels we setdata-position-fixed="true". We also set position fixed for the header and footer on this...