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Average Fixed Deposit Rate 2.64% p.a. * Rates are for 3 to 18 months tenure with maximum up to $100,000 depositPromotions 12 people like this HSBC Live+ Credit Card for min. income of $30,000 p.a. Key Benefits Up to 21.8% savings + 0.4 miles per $1 spend at Caltex Up to ...
* Interest Rates based on highest fixed deposit rate with maximum deposit amount of $100,000 and 3 to 18 months tenure HSBC current highest fixed deposit rate is2.40%p.a. for 6 months tenure with minimum deposit of $30,000. The current highest fixed deposit rate is a HSBC fixed deposit ...
HSBC – Channel Islands & Isle of Man Savings Accounts Fixed Rate Saver account Why choose a Fixed Rate Saver? A fixed-rate savings account is a simple way to make your money work harder. Choose your term, deposit a minimum of £2,000 and earn interest at a great fixed rate. ...
You worked hard for your money, so make your money work hard for you. Compare FD accounts for the best interest rates or FD promos with great gifts and best return on your savings. Grow your wealth at low risks and guaranteed high profit.
HSBC HSBC Time Deposit RM5,000 2.45% RM20.42 PIDM Top 3-month FD rates in Malaysia Bank Name Product Name Minimum Deposit Interest/Profit Rate Profit on RM10,000 Depositor’s Insurance Agrobank Agrobank Fixed Deposit Return Investment Account-i RM1,000 3.05% RM76.25 Malaysian Government India...
Enjoy high returns on your USD with up to 4.80% p.a. with our Time Deposit (Fixed Deposit) promotion.
HSBC Time Deposit Promotion Promotion Period: From now till December 31,2019 Minimum deposit: RM10,000 Tenure: 6 months Effective rate: 4.00% pa Conditions: Fresh Funds only and must deposit over the bank counter Link: HSBC Time Deposit Promotion ...
For short term FD, HSBC offers good interest rates. However, for long term, Deutsche Bank now offers good interest rates. Private Banks:In Private banks, there are mixed changes. HDFC Bank has increased interest rate on a 1 year FD scheme. Kotak Bank has increased the interest in a 5 ye...
Finance Analyst, Fixed Deposit and Cost Analysis job vacancy at HSBC BankFinance Analyst