The very first reason for that is – safety. Just to brush up – a fixed deposit is an investment vehicle that lets the investors put their idle money in and turn it into a guaranteed return. Now, you know you will get your returns, but how many returns. We know that FD interest ra...
Latest Fixed Deposit Interest Rates in India-Nov-2014 Latest FD interest rates in India in November, 2014 indicate that, in the last one month, several foreign banks, public sector banks and private sector banks have reduced the interest rates. In coming months, we expect further fall in the...
Fixed deposits are a kind of investment instrument that banks and financial companies provide. Through this, an individual can deposit a specific amount for a certain period of time. Banks and financial companies pay the back the locked-in amount along with the interest accrued at the maturity....
Basant Lok Vasant Vihar New Delhi 110 057 Website E mail ID for Fixed Deposit related queries E mail ID for Shareholder related queries 1 ANNUAL REPORT 2012 - 2013 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the 16th Annual ...