The present study assesses, using a theoretical approach, the performances of two widely used fixed-bed reactors for the ethanol-to-butadiene (ETB) one-stage (Lebedev) process: multibed adiabatic reactors (MBAR) with inter-bed heating and a multitubular reactor (MTR). The mathematical model con...
A highly efficient receiver is required because re-radiation loss increases dramatically with increased working temperature. Among a large number of receivers, the fixed-bed Particle Solar Receiver (PSR) represents a new pathway to high temperature with maximum overall thermal efficiency. The incoming ...
Figure 6.F curve of the step input method: hydrogen feed (black); measured hydrogen (blue); theoretical hydrogen (dotted blue). Inside: representation of the fixed bed reactor as an ideal one: PFR in series with CSTR. 2.2. Working Procedure and Operating Conditions ...