每日一词∣固定资产投资 fixed-asset investment 国家统计局日前发布数据显示,1-2月份,全国固定资产投资(不含农户)53577亿元,同比增长5.5%,比2022年全年加快0.4个百分点。The fixed-asset investment went up 5.5 percent year on year to 5.3577 trillion yuan in January and February combined, 0.4 pe...
国家统计局日前发布数据显示,1-2月份,全国固定资产投资(不含农户)53577亿元,同比增长5.5%,比2022年全年加快0.4个百分点。 The fixed-asset investment went up 5.5 percent year on year to 5.3577 trillion yuan in January and February combined, 0.4 percentage points higher than the full-year growth rate o...
a cybersecurity company might list computer equipment as a fixed asset, while an office supply business that sells computers wouldn’t, because the computer equipment, in this case, is the merchandise.
国家统计局日前发布数据显示,1-2月份,全国固定资产投资(不含农户)53577亿元,同比增长5.5%,比2022年全年加快0.4个百分点。 The fixed-asset investment went up 5.5 percent year on year to 5.3577 trillion yuan in January and February combined, 0.4 percentage points higher than the full-year growth rate o...
A fixed asset typically has a physical form and is reported on the balance sheet as PP&E. 购入固定资产的目的是生产或提供货物或服务、出租给第三方或为企业所用。“固定的”是指这些资产在一个会计年度内不会被耗用或出售。固定资产通常具有实物形态,作为房屋、厂房及设备(PP&E)列示在资产负债表中。 When...
What are Common Examples of Fixed Assets? Why are Fixed Assets Capitalized? Fixed Asset vs. Inventory: What is the Difference? Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio What are Fixed Assets in Accounting? In accounting, fixed assets, often used interchangeably with the term “Non-Current Assets”, are assets...
business. Fixed assets are important tocapital-intensiveindustries, such as manufacturing, which require large investments in PP&E. When a company reports persistentlynegative net cash flowsfor the purchase of fixed assets, this could be a strong indicator that the firm is in growth or investment ...
In the case of an automobile dealer, however, a delivery truck to be sold in the ordinary course of business would be part of the inventory and thus a current asset. The nature and size of the fixed-asset investment are determined by the type of business operation. In any given kind of...
China's fixed-asset investment, a pivotal growth driver, grew at a faster-than-anticipated clip in the first quarter amid a big bet on manufacturing and high-tech sectors, thus getting the economy off to a solid start this...
Capital Investment and Current Assets Although capital investments are typically used for long-term assets, some companies use them to financeworking capital. Current asset capital investment decisions are short-term funding decisions essential to a firm’s day-to-day operations. Current assets are ess...