1.source本身的问题 根据提示,我们首先应当 apt-get update 一下source,如果在apt-get update后依然报这个error,那就说明这个source本省就有错误,尝试apt-get update --fix-missing后依旧报这个error,果断换source。 输入命令: sudo cp sources.list sources.list.bak 就是先将sources.list备份到sources.list.bak ...
已解决E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? 一、分析问题背景 在使用Ubuntu或Debian等基于APT(Advanced Package Tool)包管理系统的Linux发行版时,用户经常使用apt-get命令来安装、更新和管理软件包。然而,有时候在执行这些命令时会遇到如下错误提示: ...
Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing 按照报错提示进行sudo apt-get update (--fix-missing),并没有解决,仍出现相同问题; 判断是否为网络屏蔽问题:ping www.baidu.com 如果能 ping 通,说明 DNS 正常;如果无法 ping 通,则进入sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf,在...
Linux软件源配置 yum/apt rpm/dpkg 源码编译安装 【华为云服务器】Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? 华为云安装个mysql就出这个报错https://www..com/liptom/p/12155870.换清华源蟹蟹华为云竟然用的国外的镜像源隔壁友商人家就知道给改个正常人用的镜...
1.网络问题 网关错误拦截了数据包或者防火墙故意将其屏蔽在外 可以尝试更换网络或者代理,再次下载 或者更改配置文件sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf 添加nameserver 2.source的问题 可以尝试运行 apt-get update 或apt-get update --fix-missing 依然报错,则更换source源 ...
: 有几个软件包无法下载,要不运行 apt-get update 或者加上 --fix-missing 的选项再试试? 关注作者 关注我,不错过每一次更新。使用DNSPod,实现在外也可访问群晖NAS 文档建议反馈控制台 登录/注册 首页 学习 活动 专区 工具TVP 腾讯云架构师技术同盟 文章/答案/技术大牛 发布...
Fix missing JSdoc#811 peterpeterparkeropened this issueDec 11, 2023· 1 comment· Fixed by#819 Member peterpeterparkercommentedDec 11, 2023 Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. PR changes are hard to read because of repeated warning regarding the missing documentation....
notice_version = [int(x) for x in code[8:].split('.')] return notice_version[0] < version[0] or (notice_version[0] == version[0] and notice_version[1] <= version[1]) return notice_version[0] < core.version[0] or (notice_version[0] == core.version[0] and notice_version...
Missing DLL files in Windows 10 are one of the most common DLL-related issues. This article shows you how to fix missing DLL files in several useful ways. You can fix missing DLL files by running SFC and DISM scanner, retrieve deleted DLL files with a fi
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