Doorknobs occasionally stick because of changes in temperature and humidity levels. Such problems may improve somewhat when those conditions change again. Other sticking problems are caused by wear and tear. The latch may fail to retract when the knob is turned, or fail to return when the knob ...
If you leave in a place where it gets too cold, your key might sometimes not work unless it gets a bit warm. Likewise, if you live in a place where it gets too hot, check for the sticking and accumulation of oil and dust particles on your key. b) Use Powdered Graphite Or TD-40 ...
Run the blade of the knife across the door jamb to slice off any filler that’s sticking above the surface. Keep cutting the filler down until it’s flush with the surface of the door frame.[3] It’s okay if the filler isn’t perfectly flush yet. Just try to remove as much as ...