1、重启 Print Spooler 服务(你可以打开服务管理器右键点击Print Spooler选择重启服务,也可以运行下面的命令): net stop spooler net start spooler 2、手动清除打印队列: 停止服务后,删除 C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS 目录下所有文件。 3、检测共享权限: 在打印机属性中,确保共享选项卡已启用,并设置正确的...
win7-win10系统 目录 解压出4)FixPrintSpooler_V2.0,根据自己电脑系统的版本进入对应的文件夹。 用记事本打开里面的Fix_PrintSpooler.bat文件,可以看到批处理文件操作的内容,主要是修改注册与文件的替换。 把原来的win32spl.dll进行重命名为win32spl.dll.old,在注册表中创建一个RpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled=0的值。
Windows10/Win11打印机LPR LPD共享,免下修复软件,不报错误代码。 6.7万 9 02:11 App 手动USB添加打印机 1.7万 1 03:00 App 4个打印机修复工具,解决一切打印机问题 5002 0 01:26 App 开起后台打印服务print spooler 6874 1 01:22 App win10 win11共享打印机故障修复工具 0x00000709/07c/11b/6d9/040/...
ThePrint Spooler Serviceon Windows 10 OS is responsible for managing print jobs currently being sent to the computer printer or print server. And if due to some reason this service ceases to work, theprinter won’t print documents. In such Situations recommendrestart the print spooler servicefrom...
Fix Print Spooler是一个可移植的免费软件应用程序,它可以重置和清除Print Spooler队列和“%systemroot%System32spoolprinters”文件夹,然后重新启动spooler服务。您还可以使用它来禁用Windows Print Spooler服务,以保护您的系统免受打印噩梦漏洞的影响。 下载地址 ...
Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended) Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more Download Setup ,download Fix Print Spooler FileCR, getintopc , Program download Fix Print Spooler , Download Fix Print Spooler , Download Fix Pri...
If you see any error message about the print spooler, this tool has been corrupted or is failing to interact correctly with other software. You may need to try more than one method to fix printer spooler error in windows. So in this topic we are going to discuss about 10 easy ways of...
Printers are essential devices in many homes and workplaces, but they can sometimes run into problems when used with Windows operating systems. This article covers common printer problems in Windows, including printer not found, print jobs stuck in the queue, printer...
Printers are essential devices in many homes and workplaces, but they can sometimes run into problems when used with Windows operating systems. This article covers common printer problems in Windows, including printer not found, print jobs stuck in the queue, printer spooler c...
Windows 10 Security: How to Disable Print Spooler to avoid PrintNightmare Hack You mainly encounter print spooling errors soon after sending a print job to the printer and find the printer is not working properly! Printer spooler error can occur in many ways. The Printer spooler may stop running...