Is there glue or something that I can use to seal the tear? I've seen some fabric reapir kits online. Do they work? Will the glue dry clear? The couch is very light colored (almost white). I am not interested in matching color as the tear is quite small, but I don't want to ...
Tie a small knot in the thread when you finish stitching at the end of the tear. Insert the needle back down into the fabric and take a 1-inch-long stitch. Bring the needle back up again and pull the needle and thread taut. Clip off the excess thread. Things Needed Leather cleaner S...
Silver Hill rests in New Canaan, a small suburb of Connecticut located 40 miles outside of New York City. The town has an unseemly large population of sheltered rich kids with popped collars and Birkenstocks. They leave the local high school suffering from moral decay, but well versed in ...
Put on 3–4 additional layers of high-gloss finish leather paint. The multiple layers of finish should hold the fabric together and will prevent further peeling in that area of the couch or chair. Apply a thick, generous coat each time. When the finish first goes on, it will appear opaqu...