this is the overall concept: Your chin and nose should first be covered by the respirator. The lower strap (if it has two straps) should be fastened around the neck, just below the ear, after pulling the top strap over your head and positioning it at the top rear of your head. Finall...
During the week, I run the same out-and-back route over and over and over (definition of insanity?! Ha!) because it’s there and out my front door and I don’t have to worry about planning out a different route everyday. But, for long runs, my favorite route is the 8.5-mile Fo...
Stressed face: Stress acne One of the most common manifestations of a stressed face is stress acne, a condition primarily influenced byhormonal changes. Cortisol — the aforementioned “stress hormone” —puts sebaceous glands in overdrive, which increases the skin’s oil production. This excessive ...