AddEventHandler("esx_xp:rankUp",function(newRank,previousRank)ifnewRank==10thenGiveWeaponToPed(PlayerPedId(),GetHashKey("WEAPON_MINIGUN"),100,false,false)endend) If player ranks down then you can remove it: AddEventHandler("esx_xp:rankDown",function(newRank,previousRank)ifnewRank<10thenlocalpla...
'PICKUP_WEAPON_PISTOL'. number - The hash of the pickup, e.g. 4189041807 or `PICKUP_WEAPON_PISTOL`. function - A function with signature (pickup: integer, i: integer) => boolean. returns: integer[] - An array of all pickups. getclosestpickup Returns the closest pickup to a ...
getInventoryItemAmount(user_id,idname) -- get connected user inventory -- return map of full idname => amount or nil vRP.getInventory(user_id) -- clear connected user inventory vRP.clearInventory(user_id) -- compute weight of a list of items (in inventory/chest format) vRP.computeItems...
Updated list: 21.01.2024 API-ANTICHEAT SECURITY: - Detect most of lua menu's - Anti Eulen - Anti Eulen Godmode - Anti Eulen Car spawn - Anti Eulen Noclip - Anti Eulen Safe Weapon Spawn - Anti Eulen Freecam - Anti Spectate - Anti Armor - Anti Blacklisted Key Log with screen - Anti ...
AddEventHandler("esx_xp:rankDown", function(newRank, previousRank) if newRank < 10 then local player = PlayerPedId() local weapon = GetHashKey("WEAPON_MINIGUN") if HasPedGotWeapon(player, weapon, false) then RemoveWeaponFromPed(player, weapon) end end end)...
AddEventHandler("XpM:rankDown", function(newRank, previousRank) if newRank < 10 then local player = PlayerPedId() local weapon = GetHashKey("WEAPON_MINIGUN") if HasPedGotWeapon(player, weapon, false) then RemoveWeaponFromPed(player, weapon) end end end)...
AddEventHandler("esx_xp:rankDown", function(newRank, previousRank) if newRank < 10 then local player = PlayerPedId() local weapon = GetHashKey("WEAPON_MINIGUN") if HasPedGotWeapon(player, weapon, false) then RemoveWeaponFromPed(player, weapon) end end end)...