方法一:用手机热点连接 很多连接网线或者用WiFi的玩家连接不上服务器,换成手机热点就可以。也可以用USB数据线连接手机代替,打开手机设置然后使用USB链接电脑上面打开热点共享即可 。 方法二:使用LSP修复 进入命令提示符窗口,快捷键Win+R,在窗口中输入“cmd”进入命令符窗口,在窗口中输入:输入netsh winsock reset,然后...
function connectTS3Server(arch=64) { mainWindow.webContents.executeJavaScript(`Swal.fire({ title: 'TS3 Connecting', html: 'Connecting to you to Aurora Roleplay Team Speak Server.', allowOutsideClick: false, onBeforeOpen: () => { Swal.showLoading(); } });`) findProcess('name', 'ts3...
Still got the "[ERROR] connect ETIMEDOUT" error sporadically after server (re-)start even after #127. Don't know the source of the problem but as this was a thing here I guess it is a mysql-async script problem.
there may be a gang on your server called Lost MC. Using the config you can set this as a “reserved” gang, meaning that these gang members (based on their ESX Job) can only join one group - lostmc, and also means that people who are not part of the job are unable to join. ...