Original Script: https://github.com/pedr0fontoura/fivem-appearance ESX Version: https://github.com/ZiggyJoJo/brp-fivem-appearance Requirments QBCore qb-menu qb-input qb-drawtext (not needed but thats what I used) Tattoos qb-tattooshop Setup Delete / stop from starting qb-clothing Delete aj...
(server) called when a player leave a group -- gtype can be nil AddEventHandler("vRP:playerLeaveGroup", function(user_id, group, gtype) end) -- (client) called when the menu pause state change AddEventHandler("vRP:pauseChange", function(paused) end) -- (client) called when the vRP ...
Documentation Read the docs here: https://docs.illenium.dev Credits Original Script: https://github.com/pedr0fontoura/fivem-appearance Tattoo's Support: https://github.com/franfdezmorales/fivem-appearance Last Maintained Fork for QB: https://github.com/mirrox1337/aj-fivem-appearanceAbout...