一个简单的node.js机器人,可将Fivem服务器的服务器状态,播放器列表和播放器计数发送到Discord频道。 需求 您需要安装Node.js并在此页面上使用不和谐的bot令牌: : 安装 下载文件并安装node.js后,在项目文件夹中进行“ npm install”。 然后,转到config.json文件并添加询问的信息 ...
cd resources/ git clone https://github.com/hjuiihu/Discord-Rich-Presence-FiveM [local]/Discord-Rich-Presence-FiveM Manualy Download https://codeload.github.com/hjuiihu/Discord-Rich-Presence-FiveM/zip/main Put it in the [local] repository Instalation Add ensure Hj_richpresence to your server....
discord.js-fivem allows you to intergrate your FiveM server's data with Discord.js, allowing you to monitor your server's players, availability and ping. Installation With npm: $ npm install discord.js-fivem With yarn: $ yarn add discord.js-fivem Example In the file containing client.login...
In the Settings section, you can configure a wide range of options for both txAdmin and the server itself. Due to the large number of settings available, they are categorized into the following sections:Global,FXServer,Restarter,Player Manager,Discord, andGame. Each of these will be explained ...
Upgrade your FiveM server with our premium, optimized and un-encrypted resources! img link Support Fast support available on Discord to help you with any issues or questions you may have. Shop By Category Vehicle Packs Cars Debadged Vanilla Rims Scripts New Releases BMW M8 Prior...
$ npm start server.json Note:You should run FXServerthroughFXAdmin, and not in parallel (ie in another terminal). Note2:To configure your Discord bot, follow these two guides:Setting up a bot applicationandAdding your bot to servers. ...
LGSL v6.2.1/v7.0.0 for PHP 5.4-8.4+ (Live Game Server List): online status for CS2 (Source Query), Discord, FiveM, Rust, SA:MP, GMOD, Minecraft, Teamspeak and 220+ more games! - tltneon/lgsl
2 - Visit this website: https://titanembeds.com/ and login in the upper right corner with your Discord login, then click “Start here”3 - On the next page, authorize the bot.4 - The page after that, select the server you invited the bot to by clicking “Modify” https://forum....
For help and support questions, please use Discord. I would like to keep the issues in this repository for bugs and feature requests only. Supporting If you wish to support GHMatti for whatever reason use the Patreon. Issues Make sure you provide all information possible when reporting an issu...
CSBot is a Discord bot designed to integrate with your Discord server, providing various functionalities such as updating the bot, restarting, checking uptime, and more. Features IP Check: Fetches and displays server information based on a provided server code. Players: Produces a list all of th...