该说明文档提供了安装在 Windows 和 Linux 上的方法,下面逐一介绍。 Windows 前提条件: 1.Visual C++ Redistributable 2019 2.Git 安装步骤 1.创建新文件夹为 D:\FxServer 733 x 481 1187 x 779 2.下载最新 Windows 端服务器文件:artifacts server 733 x 387 1229 x 649 3.解压下载的服务器文件到 FxServ...
wget https://runtime.fivem.net/artifacts/fivem/build_proot_linux/master/1688-c814f804e64c28952269bc5abbac92d7c956f844/fx.tar.xz #下载资源文件 git clone https://github.com/citizenfx/cfx-server-data.git server-data #创建文件夹 mkdir -p /usr/local/src/FiveM/server #解压服务器文件到指定...
//runtime.fivem.net/artifacts/fivem/build_proot_linux/master/1688-c814f804e64c2 952269bc5abbac92d7c956f844/fx.tar.xz #下载资源文件 git clone https://github.com/citizenfx/cfx-server-data.git server-data #创建文件夹 mkdir -p /usr/local/src/FiveM/server #解压服务器文件到指定文件夹 tar...
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Add ensure rpemotes to your server.cfg Download the latest recommended artifacts for Windows or for Linux Enforce gamebuild to latest build for all emotes and props to work as intended. Onesync Infinity is required for the particle effects to work as intended This can be done via txadmin...
Addensure rpemotesto yourserver.cfg Download the latest recommended artifactsfor Windowsorfor Linux Enforce gamebuild to latest buildfor all emotes and props to work as intended. Onesync Infinity is required for the particle effects to work as intendedThis can be done via txadmin or your localho...
Add ensure rpemotes to your server.cfg Download the latest recommended artifacts for Windows or for Linux Enforce gamebuild to latest build for all emotes and props to work as intended. Onesync Infinity is required for the particle effects to work as intended This can be done via txadmin...
Open a pull request Create a new pull request by comparing changes across two branches. If you need to, you can also compare across forks. base repository: YBa2Cu3O7/fivem Choose a Base Repository YBa2Cu3O7/fivem citizenfx/fivem 01Karmen010McGuire10/fivem 0ct0b3r92/fivem 1nc...
build_server_windows: <<: *build_windows tags: - vs2017 - server variables: IS_FXSERVER: '1' IS_LAUNCHER: '0' artifacts: paths: - out/server.zip - out/server.7z except: - tags - fxdk-releng cache: key: server untracked: true build_proot_linux: stage: build image: mcr.microsoft...
Addensure rpemotesto yourserver.cfg Download the latest recommended artifactsfor Windowsorfor Linux Enforce gamebuild to latest buildfor all emotes and props to work as intended. Onesync Infinity is required for the particle effects to work as intendedThis can be done via txadmin or your localho...