i buy FiveM QBCore Server Ready i buy FiveM QBCore Server Ready: NoPixel 3.5 Full Server Files, and is the same leaked files. I was try to get a refund but the owner don`t want to. So now i must make a dispute on paypal for that. IS A SCAM DON`T BUY ANY FILES FROM THIS WEB...
QBCore.Functions.Progressbar("accessing_atm", "Cashier Counting Bag..", 60000, false, true, { disableMovement = true, disableCarMovement = true, disableMouse = false, disableCombat = true, }, {}, {}, {}, function() -- Done TriggerServerEvent('qb-banking:server:unpackMoneyBag', item)...
label - The label of the item. weight - The weight of the item. useable - Whether the item is useable. unique - Whether the item is unique. addplayermoney Adds money to the player. ---@param player integer|string? ---@param money_type string ---@param amount integer ---@return bo...