Alternatively, you can also hide animal emotes. QB-Core ⚙️ QBCore integration to match their fork of dpemotes Config option that supports the QB Framework in their fork of the original dpemotes. If you’re using qb-core, you can now set Framework="qb-core", in the config file, ot...
6a. Add ensure zdiscord (after qb-core and/or convars you may have) 6b. Add the following anywhere in your .cfg: add_ace resource.zdiscord command allow add_ace group.zdiscordstaff zdiscord.staffchat allow Adjust the config.js variables to how you'd like them. (Optionally use Convars...
color = QBConfig.Commands.OOCColor, color = QBCore.Config.Commands.OOCColor, multiline = true, args = { 'OOC | ' .. GetPlayerName(source), message } }) elseif QBCore.Functions.HasPermission(v, 'admin') then if QBCore.Functions.IsOptin(v) then TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', v...
Server owners can opt in to either overriding the stealth / action animation when pressing the LEFT CONTROL keybind or have players tap LEFT CONTROL twice to switch from stealth to crouch (when enabled in the config.lua file) Chat Commands Moods & Walkstyles 😜🚶♂️ Moods and walk...