修改完my.cnf后,还需要对mysql的用户名、帐号、及默认数据库进行调整 首先先登录mysql,在终端窗口输入 /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p 然后会提示输入密码,输入正确密码后,会出现mysql>提示符。 输入以下命令: mysql>use mysql; mysql>update user set user="centos" where user="root"; (将mysql的...
sv_hostname "My Awesome FiveM Server" Copy Port Configuration Set the port your server will run on. The default is 30120. endpoint_add_tcp "" Copy endpoint_add_udp "" Copy Max Players Define the maximum number of players allowed on your server. sv_maxclients ...
Lastly fivemworke generates the fxmanifest.lua for each resource and configures the client_script, server_script and ui_page. And the only thing you will need to do is restart the resources and see the change on your server Contributions This is my first open source lib that i'm creating...
Compilation of my publically released FiveM code. Contribute to rubbertoe98/FiveM-Scripts development by creating an account on GitHub.
下载服务端,下载地址:runtime.fivem.net/artifacts/fivem/build_server_windows/master/ 第二步 下载服务端资源包 下载地址:github.com/citizenfx/cfx-server-data 第三步 建立一个文件夹,路径不要有中文。 将下载好的server.7z与cfx-server-data-master.zip放进去并解压,如下图所示。
sv_hostname "My new FXServer!" # 嵌套配置!一般不改。 #exec server_internal.cfg # 服务器LOGO图标 (96x96 PNG文件) #load_server_icon myLogo.png # 可以在脚本中使用的封面。 set temp_convar "hey world!" # #如果你不想服务器显示在FiveM网页服务器列表,可以把#号删掉。
bindInterface("myrsc",serverdef) function serverdef.test(msg) print("msg "..msg.." received from "..source) return 42 end -- get the client-side access clientaccess = Tunnel.getInterface("myrsc") -- (later, in a player spawn event) teleport the player to 0,0,0 clientaccess....
sv_hostname "My new FXServer!" # 嵌套配置!一般不改。 #exec server_internal.cfg # 服务器LOGO图标 (96x96 PNG文件) #load_server_icon myLogo.png # 可以在脚本中使用的封面。 set temp_convar "hey world!" # #如果你不想服务器显示在FiveM网页服务器列表,可以把#号删掉。
as for my toolchain I'm intending to allow conversion of standard COLLADA export + a plugin to add custom shader data to the export for Max initially, and an in-game material editor at a later time That would be awesome, even for non-Max users.I...
run.cmd +exec server.cfg 原文链接:如何搭建 GTA 5 私服 -FiveM 的搭建 注意:若觉得每次启动服务器麻烦,可以新建一个bat文件,将上述两句命令粘贴进去,每次启动服 器的时候双击bat文件即可 Linux 由于Linux搭建方法与Windows大同小异,故整理了一个自动化部署脚本 #下载服务器文件 wget https://runtime.fivem.net...