ParameterRequiredTypeDescription commandYesstringthe name of the command as used in chat, without the / formatYes (unless usingreply)stringhow the message appears (with custom formatting) titlestringsame as format, but appears as the message sender ...
bind keyboard "Yourbutton" "e youremote". To remove the keybind, type"unbind keyboard "Yourbutton". Type/refreshand/start rpemotesinto your chat resource, or simply restart your server Additional Instructions ⚙️ Check out my youtube playlist below: Shared emotes 👩🏻 ️💋...
Type /refresh and /start rpemotes into your chat resource, or simply restart your server Additional Instructions ⚙️ Check out my youtube playlist below: Shared emotes 👩🏻 ️💋👨🏼 Emotes will work with either SyncOffset or Attachto. If it is with SyncOffsetFront...
(server) called when a player join a group -- gtype can be nil AddEventHandler("vRP:playerJoinGroup", function(user_id, group, gtype) end) -- (server) called when a player leave a group -- gtype can be nil AddEventHandler("vRP:playerLeaveGroup", function(user_id, group, gtype) ...
bind keyboard "Yourbutton" "e youremote". To remove the keybind, type"unbind keyboard "Yourbutton". Menu Customization In theconfig.luafile, server owners can set the MenuTitle or simply leave it blank. Ideally, this should be 11 characters or less without any spaces. You can also set ...
To remove the keybind, type "unbind keyboard "Yourbutton". Type /refresh and /start rpemotes into your chat resource, or simply restart your server Additional Instructions ⚙️ Check out my youtube playlist below: A text tutorial for Shared Emotes can be found here. I recommend using ...
bind keyboard "Yourbutton" "e youremote". To remove the keybind, type"unbind keyboard "Yourbutton". Menu Customization In theconfig.luafile, server owners can set the MenuTitle or simply leave it blank. Ideally, this should be 11 characters or less without any spaces. You can also set ...
bind keyboard "Yourbutton" "e youremote". To remove the keybind, type"unbind keyboard "Yourbutton". Type/refreshand/start rpemotesinto your chat resource, or simply restart your server Additional Instructions ⚙️ Check out my youtube playlist below: ...
Type in your name and press the ENTER key. You will need to log in again if you are away from it for too long or you restart your server.Chat Command to Open TabletIn the client.lua go to the bottom and comment out this block of code:... developers game-references resources baseevents/events chat events functions loadscreen events functio...