Alternatively, the player base can set their own menu keybind to open RpEmotes Esc > settings > keybinds > fivem More keybinds are now using key mappings which means that they are now available in your FiveM settings to change (FavKeybindandRagdollKeybind) Keybinds and SQL 🎛️ To us...
F4 Open / Close RPEmotes menu Server owners can change this in the config.lua. Alternatively, the player base can set their own menu keybind to open RPEmotes Esc > settings > keybinds > fivem More keybinds are now using key mappings which means that they are now available in your Five...
Alternatively, the player base can set their menu keybind to open rpemotes-reborn Esc > settings > keybinds > fivem More keybinds are now using key mappings which means that they are now available in your FiveM settings to change (FavKeybindandRagdollKeybind) Keybinds and SQL 🎛️ To ...
Adult Emotes can be hidden from the menu by settingAdultEmotesDisabledtotruein the config.lua file. This will completely conceal the emotes from the lists(Emotes, Shared Emotes, etc)at startup making them unusable. Alternatively, you can also hide animal emotes. Prop Extractor↔️ Many peopl...
F4 Open / Close RPEmotes menu Server owners can change this in the config.lua. Alternatively, the player base can set their own menu keybind to open RPEmotes Esc > settings > keybinds > fivem More keybinds are now using key mappings which means that they are now available in your Five...