giveMoney(user_id,amount) -- get bank money vRP.getBankMoney(user_id) -- set bank money vRP.setBankMoney(user_id,value) -- try a withdraw -- return true or false (withdrawn if true) vRP.tryWithdraw(user_id,amount) -- try a deposit -- return true or false (deposited if true) ...
Share Current Vehicle Keys (enable other player to lock / unlock your vehicle and bypass hotwiring system) Commands Impound usage: /impound any nearest vehicle will be impound (distance 2-3 radius) Giveaccess to player private owned garage - /giveaccess PLAYERID - Open Vehicle Keys UI - /ve...
Since this is a loop and we're cooperatively multitasked, you'll have to give the game time to run as well - otherwise it'll never even finish loading and the game will unfortunately freeze. Unlike Lua and C#, we do not have a built-in `Wait` or `Delay` call, so we need to ...