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You can find the best FiveM shop, servers and mods in our FiveM Store. The FiveM Store is the place to go! With qbcore or esx
FiveM Zone is a open shop for servers & communities, we are affiliated to cfx fivem and offer fivem mods, fivem scripts, fivem eup, fivem vehicles, fivem maps, fivem clothes, fivem launcher, fivem server pack, fivem esx scripts, fivem vrp scripts, fivem gta5, fivem discords, fivem jail...
All you can do is to warn people not to buy from this garbage site aka esx-scripts. Com. esx-scripts is illegally selling and illegally access your bank account once you put your card info in their web. Date of experience: May 01, 2022 Useful1Share Reply from FiveM ModsNov 4, 2022...
const itemname“草药”label“Herb”weightstackabletrueimage“herbpng”//加物品 ESX.TriggerServerCallback(‘esx_inventoryhud:getItemCount’,(count)=>{if(count>=3){ESX.ShowNotification(“你不能再携带更多的草药了”);}else{ESX.TriggerServerCallback(‘esx_weashops:buyItem’,()=>{ESX.ShowNotificati...
Can the cars be used on ESX or QB Core? The cars can be used on any FiveM server framework or without any framework at all. How can I install the Car Packs on my FiveM Server? To install a resource on your server, you can follow our tutorial. Are the Car Packs Optimized? Yes...