The options that you have while role playing is limitless. You can be a criminal gang leader or simply a chauffeur, something that is completely different from your normal character. The idea is to step outside of your comfort or normal character and have the most fun while keeping up with...
If you'r using esx_multicharacter or most rescorces using esx_skin or skinchanger this should work out of the box thansk to edits made by Linden however if it doeas not you can use the trigger below on the client side after the player loads in order to set their skin ESX.TriggerServ...
Functions.TriggerCallback('qb-multicharacter:server:getSkin', function(data, gender) model = gender if model ~= nil then Citizen.CreateThread(function() RequestModel(model) while not HasModelLoaded(model) do Citizen.Wait(0) end charPed = CreatePed(2, model, Config.PedCoords.x, Config.Ped...