(113) $30.00Add to cart Advanced Vehicles System V2 [Mechanic Job][Full Car Setting][Custom][Standalone] Ratedout of 5 (118) $40.00Add to cart Gas Station System V6 [Refuel Pump Nozzles][Fuel System][Standalone] Ratedout of 5
// 实现ESX脚本事件响应on('esx:getSharedObject',function(cb){cb(exports)})// 定义一个简单的ESX职业表,一个玩家只能拥有一个职业constjobTable={[Config.ESXPoliceJob]:{boss:null,grade:0},[Config.ESXAmbulanceJob]:{boss:null,grade:0},[Config.ESXMechanicJob]:{boss:null,grade:0}}// 获取 ESX...
Using the config you can set this as a “reserved” gang, meaning that these gang members (based on their ESX Job) can only join one group - lostmc, and also means that people who are not part of the job are unable to join. Furthermore, using the config you can set “parent” ...