Status code: 0, error message: 10/OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to , response body:[Content][^] 隐藏详细信息(D) [Save information] [关闭(C)][Expanded Information]You can press Ctrl-C to copy this message and paste it elsewhere.这是什么意思啊...
On the error message, it seems to point out to bad assets or graphics mods. To further identify what cause this error, we need more information from you. Please share with us the SSU logs by downloading this app
Whenever I try and run FiveM it gives me a crash message.: It says: 0[Window Title]Error GTA5_b2699.exe!sub_1412EC1D0 0xb8[Main Instruction]GTA5_b2699.exe!sub_1412EC1D0 0xb8[Content]An error at GTA5_b2699.exe!sub_1412EC1D0 0xb8 caused FiveM to stop working. A crash report is...
message.content.includes("fivem", "ark", "arma3", "roles", "stream",)) { message.delete([1]);message.reply('Wrong role, type 浏览3提问于2019-12-30得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 FiveM服务器网站的PHP问题 、、、 我声明我正在为FiveM服务器开发站点。我就是这么写的: $file = file_get_...
local-infile = 0 #关闭远程连接,即3306端口。这是MySQL的默认监听端口。由于此处MySQL只服务于本地脚本,所以不需要远程连接。尽管MySQL内建的安全机制很严格,但监听一个TCP端口仍然是危险的行为,因为如果MySQL程序本身有问题,那么未授权的访问完全可以绕过MySQL的内建安全机制。(你必须确定,你是否真的不需要远程连接...
Description: Message displayed on the adaptive card when VPN is detected. API_Error Description: Error message displayed when the API fails. Buttons Description: Array of buttons displayed on the adaptive card (maximum 5 buttons). Properties: title: Title of the button. url: URL the button di...
returns: string, string - The path to the module, or the tried path and an error message. require Requires a module from a specific path and caches it for future use. ---@param name string ---@return function|{[string]: any} module function package.require(name) name - The name of...
Console Error fix. Eup installation. Cars installation. Server Setup. Merging. Mlo work. MLO or Ymap installation. Script Modification. Server Hosting. Custom Script. UI for Scripts. UI fix. Database integrations. W...
Client Script (client.lua): Sends the player's message to the server, receives the AI response, and sends it to the NUI. UI Scripts (index.html, style.css**,** script.js**):** Manages the chat window and displays messages. 我尝试了一切,但没有任何效果。 如果你想测试一下,只需在...
简介 Lua 是一种轻量小巧的脚本语言,用标准C语言编写并以源代码形式开放, 其设计目的是为了嵌入应用...