fivem联机教程其他废话遇见情况之后再慢慢看 上传人:汤*** IP属地:北京上传时间:2023-02-09格式:DOCX页数:20大小:15.84MB积分:6版权申诉 已阅读5页,还剩15页未读,继续免费阅读 版权说明:本文档由用户提供并上传,收益归属内容提供方,若内容存在侵权,请进行举报或认领...
show ip interface brief将显示每一个路由器接口的ip地址信息以及第二层的状态信息(如下所示)。其他与ip对应的协议的相关性信息可以通过相应命令属性获得,比如show ipx interface brief。 yh-router#sh ip in brief interface ip-address ok? method status protocol tokenring0/0 yes nvram up up to...
方法一:用手机热点连接 很多连接网线或者用WiFi的玩家连接不上服务器,换成手机热点就可以。也可以用USB数据线连接手机代替,打开手机设置然后使用USB链接电脑上面打开热点共享即可 。 方法二:使用LSP修复 进入命令提示符窗口,快捷键Win+R,在窗口中输入“cmd”进入命令符窗口,在窗口中输入:输入netsh winsock reset,然后...
Configure port forwarding on your router to allow players to connect to your server. FiveM's default port is 30120, but you can customize this in the server configuration. 7. Static IP Address: Assign a static IP address to the server hosting server for consistency. This prevents IP address...
Connect FiveM See more on discordMlo To FiveM/Gta5 Mlo made by Mosbaekdesign Click to viewShowcase FiveM You can now connect to our new showcase FiveM server. where you will find all our products gathered on one server IP: Connect FiveM See more on discord1...
做完之后fivem里能显示本地服务器,也可以开始连接,sv_hostname那一栏里设置的东西也能正常显示在fivem的界面上,但会连接失败,提示Error detailsFailed to fetch server variables Failed to connect to port 30120 after 2039 ms : Connection refused-curl error code 7 ( Couldntconnect to server ),...
://connect/IP --> works explorer.exe fivem://connect/IP? 浏览15提问于2021-06-03得票数 2 3回答 从HTML页面中查找最新链接,列出下载位置 、、、 # Working code for, needs to be converted to LOCATION=$(curl -s 浏览17提问于2022-09-25得票数 ...
const fivem = require('fivem-server-info'); async function example() { const connect = await fivem.connected_users(""); const max = await fivem.max_users(""); console.log(connect + "/" + max); const list = await fivem.user_list("...
connectVoice(channel, player) -- disconnect from another player for a specific channel -- player: nil to disconnect from all players vRP.disconnectVoice(channel, player) -- register callbacks for a specific channel --- on_offer(player): should return true to accept the connection --- on_...