Online: Offline: git worktree add gh-pages gh-pages open thegh-pagesdirectory from a browser See also (and use it as a basis to understand how to develop extensions for vRP): maintained DB drivers) ...
Copy name/hash Audio: Draw near vanilla Static Emitters Set draw distance Get info from closest vanilla Static Emitter Set radio station, play or stop closest vanilla Static Emitter Preview Credits This tool could not exists without help of AnthonyTCS Tiwabs Lentokone LukeAbout...
RegisterNuiCallbackType('client:yaca:changeActiveRadioChannel') on('__cfx_nui:client:yaca:changeActiveRadioChannel', (data, cb) => { exports['yaca-voice'].changeActiveRadioChannel(data[0]); exports['yaca-voice'].setActiveRadioChannel(data[0]); cb(); }); 0 comments on commit fd63afa ...
If you do not use the decay script don't worry, the item.lua lines will still work with no problems All decay values will be set to nil as this will be down to your server to set the value amount Massive Credit to Massive Thank you to Jims (JixelPatterns) Community for all their...
1.5.5 8999ed4 fix adding client to radio list when showRadioList option is false #62 Assets 3 26.6 KB 2020-09-15T07:49:26Z Source code (zip) 2020-09-12T22:33:51Z Source code (tar.gz) 2020-09-12T22:33:51Z 👍 15 15 people reacted Footer...
resell this software You shall not provide any facility to install this particular software in a commercial product / service If you redistribute this software, you must link to ORIGINAL repository at copyright should appear in every part of the project...
radio_config = { stations = { -- map of name -> audio source url ["station 1"] = "url", ... }, position = {x,y,z} -- optional: define a different position for the audio source (placed 1 meter above the component by default) }...
radio phone sms phone ringing phone dialing drinking https://freesou...
Set radio station, play or stop closest vanilla Static Emitter Preview Credits This tool could not exists without help of AnthonyTCS Tiwabs Lentokone Luke About This is a dev tool for FiveM. Includes interior debuggin tools and many other features Resources Readme License LGPL-3.0 license ...
If you do not use the decay script don't worry, the item.lua lines will still work with no problems All decay values will be set tonilas this will be down to your server to set the value amount Massive Credit to Massive Thank you to Jims (JixelPatterns) Community for all their Icon...