The intangibles of teams' reach allowed players to do so much with their influence to improve relationships. This is a time when we need to engage more, sit at the table together and allow the language of baseball to break the ice. Police are everywhere, and so is baseball, and the two...
Adam Smith tends to be seen as the founder of capitalism and modern economics, but he was, first and foremost, a moral philosopher. Dennis Rasmussen, author of The Infidel and the Professor—a book about Smith's friendship with David Hume—selects the best books by and about Adam Smith....
In fact, that title came from Sean Connery’s wife when he was tempted back to play James Bond again, and she said, “Well, why not say Never Say Never Again,” which, of course, Sean Connery had said a number of times that he would never play James Bond again, and sure enough,...
The final game is a weird one: away to Bayern Munich, who destroyed them in Spain but have already clinched the group. Given the gulf between the two the past couple of times they've played, Barca probably don't wanna have to rely on getting a result even ag...
When I was seven, my family rented a cottage on a small lake, with a rowboat the kids could use. As the youngest, I had to fight to sit in it, much less row it. Then one late afternoon, I found the boat abandoned. I climbed in, gripped the oars, and rowed out onto the lake...
There are times where I sit down to peruse Kickstarter and think to myself “Have I seen it all? Are there no new ideas out there? How many more viking/zombie/medieval/city-building games can there be?” and then the universe answers with something likeThrow Throw Burrito.I could have...
gaslit—because of certain social norms that are almost unacknowledged even today, in our supposedly liberated times. Though often completely unconscious, this misogyny is most obvious when a woman violates what she would describe as patriarchal expectations, and then is on the receiving end of, fo...
However, 25 to 40% of total production gets wasted annually [25], which costs an estimated INR one lakh crore [26]; (4) the export rate of India's perishable products has been steadily declining due to stringent quality norms of importing countries [27]; (5) the rate of food ...