However, few steps more have to be taken before the final implementation of this model. Firstly, the machine kinematics model has to be connected with the model of probe head kinematics, next, the geometric calibration of the thus-constructed five-axis system kinematic chain has to be performed...
2.2. SScan Statistics In this study, spatial scan statistics were used to determine the geographic areas with the highest risk [25]. TThheeccaallccuullaattiioon pprrocess iinnclude three steps. IInntthheeffiirrssttsstteepp,,oovveerrllaappppiinnggccaannddiiddaate wwiinnddows in the geographic...
Dietary Patterns and Their Relationship to Land Use, Water Use, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Implications for Future Food Security Rose Jennings 1, Andrew D. Henderson 1,2,* , Alexis Phelps 1, Kathryn M. Janda 1,3 and Alexandra E. van den Berg 1 1 Michael & Susan Dell Center for ...
Understanding the drivers of polarization is essential before taking further regulatory steps. Keywords: football; regulation; financial fair play; financial recovery; polarization JEL Classification: L83; L49; L51 1. Introduction European club football has been confronted with a major regulatory ...