My Five Senses activities, crafts, lessons, games, and printables for preschool and kindergarten. Our five senses allow us to enjoy the world around us -- the taste of our food, the sound of music, the beauty of a sunrise, the softness of a cat's fur, and the fragrance of a rose....
Many preschoolers can name the five senses and point to the body parts that are associated with each one, but it’s not very often that we take time to really explore each sense. This Easy Five Senses Lesson Plan for Preschool is full of fun, hands on activities that will help teach an...
And Little Miss Copycat had her turn too! We hope you enjoy our pocket chart sentences for the five senses!
This huge pack offive senses free printablesis such a fun way to learn about not only the 5 senses, but to sneak in some math and literacy skills for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students too. Thesethemed worksheetsmake learning about sight, sound, taste, smell...
Preschoolers and scavenger hunts, of course! Scavenger hunts are an amazing way to engage kids in an exciting learning adventure. This five senses scavenger hunt forpreschoolorkindergartencan help children identify all 5 senses and explore the world with new insights!
Preschool Themed Activities: Five Senses ThemeCheryl Hatch
Try this Jelly Beansense of taste activities for preschoolexperiment. Kids will be amazed by theseeye science experiments Huge pack of5 Senses Worksheetsto explore the senses and sneak in some math and literacy activities too EPIC, Life-sizeHuman Body Project ...
BrainPOP, a science site for kids from elementary through high school, provides a variety of resources, including experiments, activities, and animated movies on health, science, and technology topics. To explore one of the five senses, choose Hearing, Skin, Smell, Taste, or Vision from the pu...
Hearing (Five Senses Series) Maria Rius Except for the diagram and explanation at the end of the book, this is a very simple book that won’t provide any big science lessons. But it will inspire conversation about sounds you’ve heard and which are your favorite and not so favorite. ...
In this research, we figured out the present situation of the natural experience with Five Senses at kindergarten and nursery center. As a result, experience through five senses of spring and summer is very active at a large number of kindergartens, but there are few experiences in autumn and...