simulated blast waves at five blast intensities from the anterior, right lateral and posterior directions one meter from the detonation center and found that the intracranial pressure wave went through the posterior fossa and vertebral column, causing high pressure levels15. Zhang et al. evaluated ...
Closed fluor- oscopic-assisted spinal arch external skeletal fix- ation for the stabilization of vertebral column in- juries in five dogs. Vet Surg 2007; 36: 442-448.Jason L W,Daniel D L,Alan R C, et al.Closed fluoroscopic-assisted spinal arch external skeletal fixation for the ...
The rectus abdominis muscles consists of several'panels' of muscle between strips of connective tissue known as tendinous intersections. These sections of muscle are what gives the rectus abdominis the “6-pack” look, but the number of panels can vary between individuals - 4, 8, and 10...
Readers can search across the full text of both titles, customize their page view, highlight text, take notes, and print sections of the text Topics are linked between the two books, making it easy to jump between disorders and associated tests or vice versa More than ...
Posterior vertebral column resection for severe pediatric deformity: minimum two-year follow-up of thirty- five consecutive patients. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2009;34: 2213-2221.Posterior Vertebral Column Resection for Severe Pediatric Deformity: Minimum Two-Year Follow-up of Thirty-Five Consecutive ...