1. To remove, as clothing: take one's coat off; take off one's shoes. 2. To release: took the brake off. 3. To deduct as a discount: took 20 percent off. 4. To discontinue: took off the commuter special. 5. To spend (time) away from work or an activity: I'm taking off ...
Alongside falling airfares, prices of clothing and footwear slipped at an annual rate 1.4 per cent, theONSsaid. Read more Five graphs the Bank of England will assess before interest rate decision Jing Teow, senior economist at PwC, said travel restrictions including the UK’s quarantining system ...
5. All of the normal things that I do weekly: fill up my van with gas at Costco on the weekend, make coffee at home for work, pack lunch for work, sell on Ebay, accept free clothing donations for my family AND to sell on Ebay. Reply Barb October 27, 2020 at 10:02 AM 1. I ...
In general I do think that "bad bitch" pants tend to accentuate booty a bit more than more conservative clothing, even when said clothing is trying to show off a phatty. I'm not blind, if a chic has skyscraper heels on, I an tell there is an illusion. But Bad Bitch Jeans are pre...
Buy and pack some sticker and colouring books. For older children, a plain notebook is great for drawing and keeping a journal. Pound shops are great for stocking up on cheap and cheerful activities for your children and its always great to take the kids shopping with you and letting them...
1. To remove, as clothing: take one's coat off; take off one's shoes. 2. To release: took the brake off. 3. To deduct as a discount: took 20 percent off. 4. To discontinue: took off the commuter special. 5. To spend (time) away from work or an activity: I'm taking off ...