When speaking about the Five Points, a Calvinist could either be referring to the briefaffirmations associated with the acronym TULIP (i.e., Total Depravity, UnconditionalElection, etc.) or the actual doctrines which are identified by these affirmations and forwhich the acronym is to be a ...
Five Points of CalvinismJack Seaton
The Five Points of CalvinismUpdated edition of classic introduction to the essential tenets of Calvinistic theology: its history and content, a biblical defense, and a guide to further study.David N. SteeleCurtis C. ThomasS. Lance Quinn
For more than a decade I was the host of a Christian talk show called 'Scripturally Speaking.' On many different occasions the topic of Calvinism in general, and the Five Points of Calvinism in particular, was introduced either by me, an in-studio guest, or a caller. I can clearly ...
Christian faith: five points of New Calvinism.(USA)(Brief article)Burek, Josh