aThe 62 statements related to safety formed the second part. Space was provided beside each statement to mark the preference in the five points Likert scale. To maintain anonymity, no name, badge num-ber or signature was required in the questionnaire. 62个声明与安全有关形成了第二part。 空间在...
dyspnea(3or4pointsonthe5-pointLikertscale)wassignificantlycorrelatedwithahighernumberofB-lines (p=0.016).PatientsstratifiedintoLikert=3-4wereatincreasedriskofadmissioncomparedwiththoseinclass 1-2afteradjustingforage,leftventricularejectionfraction,NewYorkHeartAssociationfunctionalclassand ...
Each item used a five-point Likert scale; one point means never or none, while five points mean always or very much5个回答 每个项目都使用了五点李克特量表;2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名 每个项目使用了一个五点Likert标度;一点手段或从未无,而五点总是意味或 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿...
Each item was scored on a 5-point Likert scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), resulting in a score ranging from 3 to 15 points. Higher scores represent greater self-efficacy. The Cronbach’s α for the NGSES-SF was 0.914. NGBES-SF has better reliability and ...
For each item, participants reported their level of agreement on a 5-points Likert scale, from strongly disagree to strongly agree. This NEO instrument has been previously validated in the US and several other countries35. The recently discovered bug in the scoring of HCP agreeableness data was ...
5) Likert scale 利克特量表 1. Through making use of 5 points Likert scale embedded in the tabulation,the magnitude of the evaluation coefficient,η,was calculated and the feasibility of carrying on the web-based survey was then evaluated by observing . 在项目进行网络问卷调查前,利用网络调查...
Health literacy section includes eight questions with four points Likert scale “very difficult”, “difficult”, “easy” and “very easy”. Some examples of health literacy questions were “To find information about diarrhea such as cause, symptoms, prevention, etc,”, “To understand the ...
Each of these response options represented distinction distributions of 100 points between the participant and the “other person“. They were told to “imagine that your decisions will yield money for both yourself and the other person” and provided with an example. Points allocated to the ...
Despite the common criticism of the self-report method, two points should be made here: (1) It appears that the self-report method remains the workhorse of personality research with few alternatives (Papageorgiou et al., 2023); (2) Research suggests that most of the hypothesized trait-outcome...
Depression and anxiety (non-specific psychological distress) will be measured using the Japanese version of the K6 scale [43]. It comprises six items that assess the frequency of experience of non-specific psychological distress, which are rated on a five-point Likert scale (0 = none of ...