NEO-PI-R has a robust factor structure that has been replicated in Korea19,20 and in more than 450 cultures.21 Items were answered on a 5-point Likert-type scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Phenotype scores for the analysis were computed by summing up the six facets ...
point Likert scale ranging from {{much less than others|| to {{much more than others||[ The relationship between the sentence items and the "Big Five# trait structure was established\ as well as the sentence items| self!"mean#peer validity[ 1[ A number of 34 students in a lower ...
The participants were informed that they could skip the song after the minimum 20 seconds of continued listening (with the option to pause or skip to any desired point) and when the song received ratings. The three types of ratings we gathered denote answers, using a five-point Likert scale,...
Survey instrument The questionnaire consisted of two parts. The first part contained sociodemographic information, including gender, grade year, major, origin, and voluntary work experience. The second part was the “Five Characteristics Rating Scale” with 19 items, created by our research team21. I...
e.g. ׳Saying you are sorry when you have made a mistake׳. Subjects evaluate each statement on two separate five-point Likert-type scales: one for the amount of anxiety subjects experience when performingsocial behaviorin different social situations (ranging from 1׳not at all׳ to 5...
On a five-point Likert scale, this means that residents only have two response options to differ- entiate between good performances. Literature suggests that seven-point scales reflect resi- dents' perceptions of faculty's teaching performance more adequately compared to five-point scales, without ...
Students' perspectives and self-evaluations were quantified using a five-point Likert scale. Furthermore, students' comprehension of the course content was measured through a comprehensive final examination at the end of the semester.Students in the experimental group reported significantly higher scores ...
The three types of ratings we gathered denote answers, using a five-point Likert scale, to the following three questions: Q1: How much do you like this song? (1) “I definitely don’t like it,” (2) “I rather do not like it,” (3) “I have no opinion,” (4) “I rather ...
Although semi-analog scales are discussed25the big studies like Americleft26and Eurocleft27used a 5 point Likert scale. In view of the parameters’ natural variability we found a finer scale less useful, and adopted a 5 point scale, also to be comparable with the majority of the previous re...
we consider two ordered variables for the self-assessment of whether the interviewee perceives his- or herself as being a good sex partner and being able to fulfill the partner’s needs and desires. The 5-point Likert scale of these variables ranges from 1 “not at all” to 5 “absolutely...